Newsletter and Notices September 2021
Dear Parents, please find below the newsletter for September…
Booklists – 2021/2022
Here are the booklists for all classes for the 2021/2022 school…
Ballyneale NS June Newsletter
Please find the Ballyneale NS June Newsletter for your convenience.…
End of Year
All classes from junior infants to our departing sixth class…
6th Class Walk
Our departing 6th class went for a walk around the block of…
First and Second Class Sports Day
Some photos of first and second class on their sports day to…
Local History Trail
5th and 6th class went on a local history trail to Kilmurray…
Road to Tokyo
Here are some photos and scans of work completed by 5th/6th…
Team Ireland
Have a read of some of the lovely postcards that 5th and 6th…