Every year the children of Ballyneale NS share their Christmas with a child in need.  The children participate in the Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal.  Each child gets an average size shoebox and wraps it in Christmas paper.  The children then happily collect small items to fill their shoe boxes.

These can be items such as:

  • To write: items for school – pens, pencils, copybooks, colouring book, solar calculator
  • To wash: hygiene items – toothbrush and paste, facecloth, hairbrush or comb
  • To wear: small clothing items – a hat, scarf,  gloves, socks or underwear

The children bring the filled boxes to school.  There is great excitement when the Team Hope Volunteer comes to the school to collect the boxes.

This activity instils in the children a sense of helping children living in the margins of society, victims of war, disease or poverty in some of the world’s most underdeveloped countries.