There is an active parents association in Ballyneale National School. 

The committee usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month. 

The PA liaises regularly with the Principal. 

For information on upcoming events and updates, please check the School Noticeboard {across the road from the school.}

Chairperson:         Fiona Kennedy

Secretary:              Máire Lacey

Treasurer:             Valerie Harney

The Parents’ Association are a tremendous support to the school. 

Through their fundraising activities they subsidise the cost of swimming lessons, school trips, visiting drama companies, Physical Education activities and buses which transport children to various sporting events.

Parents also give of their time on a voluntary basis to coach school teams in Hurling and Football, Soccer and Spikeball. 

Parents play an active part in keeping the school grounds tidy, cleaning windows, covering books, catering for various events etc.

The Parents Association reviews and ratifies all policies.