Parents/Guardians have a huge role to play in their children’s education.  Parents/Guardians should value education highly and should strive to generate a positive attitude to learning and to school.  By showing interest in their activities and by praising their efforts, parents/guardians can instil a positive attitude which will stand to their child in education for years to come.

Guidelines for Parents/Guardians

  1. The school day is from 9.10am to 2.50pm.  Infants finish at 1.50pm. For the first month of the school year junior Infants go home at 12.30pm.  School gates open and yard supervision begins at 9.00am.  The school authorities will be responsible for the safety and welfare of pupils, while on school property, during school hours only.  The full co-operation of parents/guardians is expected.
  2. Telephone calls or visits to the school, on school business, should be made during school hours.  The school telephone number is (051)641417. Our school secretary is here from 10am – 2am, Monday to Friday.
  3. A written explanation of absence from school is required by teachers from parents/guardians on the child’s return to school in the child’s homework journal.
  4. It is important that parents/guardians assist the teacher by ensuring that their child understands the expected behaviour within the school.
  5. Parents/Guardians are asked to acquaint themselves with each child’s work and study requirements so that the child gains maximum benefit.  Pupils are expected to work to the best of their ability.  Homework, written and/or verbal is given four days a week, Friday is usually excluded.
  6. Parents/Guardians will be informed of a child’s continuous misbehaviour, and will be expected to help improve their behaviour.
  7. Damage to school property, and/or that of other children, is the responsibility of the parents/guardians of the child.
  8. Parents/Guardians, if informed of unacceptable unsociable behaviour by their child, are requested to make every effort to explain to their child that such behaviour is unacceptable, and will not be tolerated in school.
  9. In line with the school’s Healthy Lunch Policy, Parents/Guardian are encouraged to provide healthy lunches, e.g. sandwiches, fruit, etc.,  for their children, as a healthy diet is of vital importance to growing children.

Click here for tips on healthy lunches

  1. Messages from parents/guardians to the teacher should be conveyed through the child’s homework journal or notebook.
  2. Appointments to meet with the teacher should be made through the child’s homework journal or notebook, or by telephoning the school office (10am-2pm) in order that the teacher in question is free to meet with them.
  3. The following procedure must be followed by any parent/guardian who wishes to resolve an issue:
    1. Make an appointment to speak with the teacher concerned.
    2. Make an appointment to speak with the principal in the presence of the teacher concerned if unhappy with the first meeting.
    3. If still unhappy with the outcome parents/guardians may write to the secretary of the Board of Management, giving details of the issue.